Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Breakfast / lunch
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Monday / Tuesday
Monday, April 9, 2012
Snack, lunch, dinner, emotions of the day.
Lunch was my packed tuna/avocado mix and a Baggie of mixed veggies, which I shared with Ellie, and more water. I was excluded Ellie was enjoying mushrooms today, she usually hasn't liked them but she ate them like it was one of her favorites! I also drank an entire big bottle of water, not sure the oz, I'll have to check. I know I drank a lot though because I peed after lunch, after class 1.5 hours later, and as soon as we got home after class!
At home, sfter doing some housework and getting ready for the swap meet, i was genuinely hungry so i weighed out some cheese and peanut butter. Later, I ate some candy, it was sitting out on the counter, I really need to clean it off! I also shared a hollow chocolate egg with E, since she found it in my Easter bag and started opening it. (lame excuse, I know.)
Dinner we went to home town buffet instead of the chicken I planned, because we were busy getting ready for the swap meet and I didn't realize how late it was. I had salad with bacon, egg, cheese and lots of veggies. I also had a chicken drum, a piece of fish, a few riblets and some green beans. Then I had a little peach cobbler with froyo but didn't really love it so only ate a couple bites. Trying to help my headache, I had a coffee drink with chocolate milk to cool it. I should have tried water, I had been working in the warm motorhome and running about, it was oddly warm today. I was probably a bit dehydrated.
I'm a little irritated with myself because I delayed starting my nutrition/fitness class and had issues logging in and now my first assignment will be late, ugh. I was getting especially frustrated because I couldn't do the discussion posts from my tablet and (something I know about me) I get more frustrated when computer technology doesn't cooperate with me than other frustrating things. It's likely the only time I swear and really grumble. Perhaps 6 online credits were too ambitious. I'll just do my best!
Oh and my period started today, fun.
Breakfast and lunch
Breakfast: (Not pictured) 8oz odwalla superfood juice.
2 boiled eggs with lemon pepper, 2 slice precooked bacon.
1/2 an avocado 1 can tuna, bag of mixed veggies.
I also packed the extra bag of peanut m&ms leftover from Easter to share with my classmates this afternoon, to get rid of them.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter pics. Yucky
I have a strong self esteem and love myself but I just see an unhealthy person, who is raising a perfect child and I want to be healthy when I'm out playing in the grass with her, I wanna run and scoop her up and play and not be tired.I wanna be a good model for her and her eating habits. If its not something I want her eating, I shouldn't eat it! I said I was gonna get serious on my birthday 3/22 but lasted like 3 days. I've been trying mildly to eat better and can think of healthy choices I've made, just yesterday I got salad at subway instead of pizza or even a regular sub. But its not enough.
I have made out my meal plan for tomorrow and it has room for change. I'm going to get real. And do this. Tomorrow I have student teaching so somewhat of a schedule. Couple easter eggs and precooked bacon for breakfast, packed lunch of tuna and avocado at the center, and chicken with Brussels sprouts and left over spinach dip for dinner. Snack will be portioned out almonds and whatever snack is at the center, as long as its not baked goods, if it is I'll have whatever is to drink. I will speak with my instructors about going gluten free to see how I should handle snacks with the children.
Tuesday we have swim lessons and student teaching so another scheduled day including packed lunch. Dinner will be crock pot corned beef and red potatoes. Potatoes aren't really paleo but I bought them and need to eat them and they're not wheat/over processed grains. Side salads with dinner all week to fill up the plates.