Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monday / Tuesday

Ugh, I had a minor setback yesterday but still ended under 1800 calories. Had taco bell for lunch, which was fine except my husband had gotten donuts Sunday and I ate 2 after we got home from school. And I didn't go for a walk because the stroller, moby, and back carrier were all locked in the motor home and the keys were with MIL at work. So I took charge. I declined inner with the in-laws so I could have something healthier. I diced chicken breast and did a stir fry with a bag of frozen mixed veggies and cracked pepper sauce. For more bulk, I had a side salad with some of the liquid from the sauté pan as dressing and a few cups of water. I went to bed a little earlier than usual and slept pretty good. This morning, I weighed and logged my breakfast 3 eggs, 1/2 oz cheese, 1/4 serving spaghetti sauce, and 1/4 cup of canned (in juice) peaches. About to go to swim lessons now. And we will pick up sandwiches for lunch. Mikey is going to shop for taco salad ingredients while I'm at work so we can have a healthy dinner planned.

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